Monday, 17 February 2014

Ready to integrate Satellites, Drones, Big Data and AI during a disaster?

People save lives, not technology. 

It is one of my favorite expressions. It is not a question open to interpretation, it is a fact. Futurist challenge this statement. 10 years from now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be an effective tool as a crisis unfolds or during post event disaster response. Experimental applications are already being tested in field experiments. Commercial applications used by Google Search and Facebook are arguably primitive forms of AI in their automated display advertising software that attempts to accurately target specific advertisements based on a users preferences using archived metadata and profile information. Robots and drones are powerful technologies that can save time and deliver response options not available in the past. We can design and build just about any kind of sensor you can dream up, to detect with pinpoint accuracy and be faster than any first responder is capable of, to find injured people are. We can simulate and model almost every type of natural disaster, anywhere in the world. We are entering an era many consider to be the third industrial revolution, driven by technology consisting of powerful computers, sensors and software. Full integration is the next step and it is happening - right now. But I am going to raise my hand and ask one of the most difficult questions on the planet; who and what is in control?

A disaster within a disaster unfolds.

A disaster is predicted to unfold. Each parameter leading to this conclusion has been computed and analyzed by the best scientific minds reviewing data from Satellites, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's) and a plethora of sensors. Crisis and Disaster planners and response agencies know what is coming. It will be impossible to evacuate everyone from the zone. Every one that does evacuate does so in an orderly fashion. Those that are still in the danger region are given information on how to prepare for what is coming. The population is warned, nothing is guaranteed and nor can it be promised. Recovery resources are preposition, ready to execute orders. All it will take is a touch of a virtual button on a smart phone and operations will commence.

Plan A

A fleet of UAV's and Tracked Robot vehicles enter a disaster zone. Each capable and assigned unique tasks and operational roles. Overhead, the UAV's are scanning the earth surface for life signs, density of damage, infrastructure collapse. On the ground, data is relayed from the UAV's to hundreds of robots and unmanned machines preparing to execute software routines programmed into their memory banks to being specific tasks. The machines do not have to stop or take breaks to clear away rubble, rescue people and tend to the injured. They are overwhelmingly superior to human capabilities. The only limitation is the number of UAV's and Robotic machines available to deploy. 

It starts with a survey from the air, collecting all the data necessary to prepare the operational plan. The metadata is collected, analyzed with advanced algorithm software, computing the best operational plan to implement based on parameters input from its designers. The machines begin to carry out there tasks. Sensor signal quality at times is fragmented. It tries to re-calibrate. No change is found and moves on to its next programmed task.  

The survey results are in. X many are saved and Y are left where they are, as low survival probability to assign resources for rescue and recovery. The results do not stop there, data is compiled and displayed, as to how many roads are repaired and which ones are next. False - Positive and unknown data points are cataloged as 'under review' or corrupt data points. Information is automatically processed and  flashed across social media, illustrating what water mains are restored, supplies marshaled and delivered ...but not for every location or region. Why, because they were analyzed non-essential or not programmed to do so.

UAV's and robots hailed as hero's, limiting casualties

A disaster is predicted to unfold. Each parameter leading to this conclusion has been computed and analyzed by the best scientific minds reviewing data from Satellites, UAV's and a plethora of sensors. Crisis and Disaster planners and response agencies know what is coming. It will be impossible to evacuate everyone from the zone. Every one that does evacuate does so in an orderly fashion. Those that are still in the danger region are given information on how to prepare for what is coming. The population is warned, nothing is guaranteed and nor can it be promised. Recovery resources are preposition, ready to execute orders. All it will take is a touch of a virtual button on a smart phone and operations will commence.

Plan B

Data streams across displays, coordinated in real time to stakeholders across multiple domains and expertise. UAV's and Robots are custom programmed to record and deliver results back to the Operation Center for evaluation and orientation to determine how best act after the disaster strikes. There is no shortage of equipment. Data pulled from the memory banks of City Hall, Regional Government and Federal data centers have been plugged in, networked and fully integrated, creating a complete picture of how the disaster will impact the population, critical infrastructure and hazards likely to be encountered. Open Data standards have delivered a complete picture of the challenges they are likely to face. The computers have determined the amount of equipment needed for this event. It is reviewed by senior disaster leaders and approvals signed off. Standing in the wings are thousands of response teams, prepared to carry out their roles. 

Survey assessments from the disaster become clear as UAV's send back sensor metadata back to the forward control room. What was expected has occurred. Time to deploy the machines and humans into the effected region. Work begins, combing block by block, programmed calibrations in each piece of equipment analyze and recognize what to look for. Signals resolution varies creating unidentifiable results. A decision has to be made, direct human intervention is ordered. This cycle is carried out hour by hour, day by day. Sensor data acts as a guide and not as an output of a zero or one, or automated to self determine whether further action is required or not. The cycle is repeated until the emergency is over. Casualties will occur, but not without first verifying that they could not be rescued and repeated overflights and human ground reconnaissance confirms that the mission is completed.

Industrial technology revolution


Mankind's first significant investment in multi-role UAV - robotics and computer / software on a grand scale begins in 1959, with the successful launch of the U.S.S.R's Luna 2 spacecraft landing on the moon. Our need to explore, research and understand the Moon's environment for the purpose of human exploration ignited scientific discovery as an important policy initiative. Very few people understood the long term influence these programs would have. Evolution in robotics, computers and software literately skyrocketed R&D in every direction. Today, platforms are more powerful, smaller and sophisticated than ever believed possible. Today's modern Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has more power and capability than all the investments in spaceship technology's between 1959 and 1979 - combined. The amount of software code built into Honda's Advanced Step in Innovation Mobility robot, ASIMO is a closely held secret. I would be willing to bet that ASIMO level of sophistication is equal to that of the International Space Station. Both began operations and testing in the year 2000 one month apart (October and November respectively) !


In between these platforms are specialized sensors and analytic software programs. Today, we can collect, distribute, compile data points using microchip processors and solid state disk drives that can hold data of an entire regions infrastructure the size of New York State on a laptop. We can distribute this data, working with sensors and load them into a UAV the size of a adult bicycle. We can track, monitor and record changes in environmental conditions, human behavior, and dynamic changes as they occur in real time. Technology engineers have developed systems that can collect data faster than humans can absorb by any factor imaginable. By solving analytically demanding environments, it has fueled research in AI. Sensor outputs can be quickly transmitted and computed, delivering results in any model desired. Advancements in this field have been dramatic. Drones can fly precise aerial routes, hover at specific points in the air, sweep a region with multiple sensors, recording results quickly for redistribution and micro analysis. Ground based robots are only limited by the scale and size required, for they can be equipped and powered to any specification or requirement dreamed up.

Advances in technology are driving new designs with performance capabilities that can solve a variety of missions needs. Every conceivable task can be automated including medical, chemical & biological hazards, geological, meteorological conditions, asset management and logistics management. It is probably safe to say, we have not yet found the outer limits on where this ends.


Software programming has reached the level where it can deliver services and answers at incredible speeds. Software programmers have developed tools that can measure and record results of any parameter desired. The ability to model any bearing in a given environment is only limited by scale and performance level desired. Not only is it possible to detect and distinguish different human life signs, but how many, where they are. How much longer will it be before it is possible to determine their condition and life expectancy?

There are countless university students, commercial vendors and government research agencies developing systems in this field. Conclusive evidence suggests advances in robotics, sensors and software are advancing public safety response capabilities, delivering on primary tasks, including saving lives. Billions of dollars have been invested with billions more in the near future. Policy surrounding the use and implementation of the technology has taken hold around the world with many questions and conclusions that are not always aligned or mutually agreed upon. We are at the forefront of these issues. Over the last 55 years, we have expanded our knowledge and capabilities. History is not yet a sufficient barometer that can offer conclusive evidence of our ability to manage the ethical issues that need answers.

Learning how to integrate

UAV's and automated drones deliver different mission profile options. Definitions are being misused as are their capabilities and performance abilities and lines of distinction are becoming blurred in some circles. So too are policy discussions. Several articles showing the value of of UAV's are posted in the Crisis and Disaster Management Magazine. It is clear UAV's and robots can safe lives. They are valuable observation tools for first responders and civil service engineers that help determine response options that can be considered. By the same token, such technology can also lure users into a false sense control in a variety of scenarios and environmental conditions, particularly if improperly trained or unqualified.

Advances in technology are being designed individually and collectively. Analytics and automation are two important areas of focus. Creators are not necessarily swayed by those directly outside their own domains. This is beginning to change, as suggested by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, investigating fusion points, trying to assess gaps and potential hazards in a shared (Open Data) model environment. And like those space pioneers of the 1950's, for every problem uncovered, solutions are at hand through research and development and experimental usage in the field. Humanitarian organizations are uncovering real problems such as privacy, moral standards and performance standards expected or limited. The Humanitarian eXchange Language (HXL) is an example of this potential. Human intervention and oversight is coming into focus. Different domains are beginning to intersect, debating the impacts of AI programs. This debate is real, from medical ethics to rescue priority standards and guidelines. There are at least a dozen more volatile questions, not yet answered from, privacy, data usage, post disaster information use, who does and doesn't have access, Open Data standards, statistical verification, accuracy, security regulations, etc.. Organizations are asking the tough questions and hammering away at eliminating the constant cycle of observing and re-observing limitations discovered in operations. There is a real danger in attempting to program developed answers directly into a computer, allowing it to execute mission profiles based on these inputs. There is evidence that this is being implemented in the insurance and pharmaceutical industry, raising a number of ethics questions.

Real world scenario that could gone wrong.

A disaster is forecast to strike. In collaboration by the City's Parking enforcement agency, which has every license plate in its memory banks. The data is linked to Disaster UAV's image sensor, that can detect and identify each plate. The plan is to use the UAV to fly over the zone after the event calms down. A family has two cars and decides to only take one to evacuate, leaving the other one behind. The family checks in with Emergency Management's mandatory evacuation order check list ticking off a check mark sending a message they are in compliance.

The disaster hits. Those that did not leave in time try to evacuate at the last minute. The neighbor of the family that had already left, has a spare set of keys to the second car. They make it half way out of the evacuation zone when the car is hit by debris injuring its occupants. The UAV spots the vehicle, identifies it as the family's second vehicle, declares it post event debris, because the family has already evacuated the area. This is one of the more simpler scenarios requiring enhanced analysis.

No less important are the implications of NOT having technology available when other communities do. Fear, Uncertainty (or unknown), and Doubt (FUD) in these equations, charge each stakeholder's with tasks that require rigorous responsibility, ethics, and policy review.


It is often said that our evolution cannot be halted. Perhaps this is so. What no one is yet asking is, are we on a mutually agreeable path. I would argue that the more we automate our analysis and interpretation of data collected by sensors, computed by algorithms, could prove ill advised. Humans must be in the decision and analysis loop before actions are considered and carried out. Right now, it is possible to configure, compute and deliver models that can predict outcomes using AI technology, delivered by new applications and platforms without any inputs from humans from the moment it is turned on.

Complicating matters is the contemplation of artificial 'human' decision points. This refers to design parameters contemplated at every stage of development, built in levels referred to as fail safe rules. Decisions cannot be executed without human oversight. The question consists of the 5 W's (who, what, where, when and why) A scenario where data is trusted to be accurate, and the person in charge makes a decision solely based on the outputs. Intervention is a human emotion that many argue is our Achilles and should be swept away through the use of AI. Double confirmation (or even triple, quadruple) has been a safety mechanism that has saved our world during three modern day history events, one in 1962 (Cuban Missile Crisis), 1983 (Stanislav Petrov - false alarm of Soviet early warning system) and 1995 (Black Brant X11 Rocket launch). During a disaster, this scenario runs every minute during deployment. How will advanced systems impact the decision making process. What communities will be analyzed as beyond saving at the touch of a tablet screen before and after the event occurs?

Decision support, finding the balance

The human brain has one advantage no computer or software program will ever have - the ability to pause and deliberate what is defined as ethical. We have our flaws to be sure, but there can be no doubt, when faced with complex problems, individuals and collective thinking can address and resolve issues. Our ultimate trump card is the ability to reason and pause, something a computer or software cannot do consistently every time during every possible event, regardless how perfect its creators may argue. We do not know yet, are potential tipping points suggesting it be attempted.

Advanced warning and detection technology is improving and accelerating rapidly. There are no time limits or constraints creating next generation applications. Beta to mass production time frames are shrinking. Robots, UAV's, processing power,data, and artificial intelligence are melding in new and innovative methods. In the two hypothetical scenarios illustrated above, the results are not really different with the exception one has human check and balances while other does not. There are UAV's (and satellite / sensor) technologies that do not fall immediately under intense scrutiny or criticism. Examples include sensors used in geomatics, archaeology, seismology, and atmospheric research that are considered benign, non-intelligent devices because they are designed for a narrowly defined set of measurements. But the door rips wide open as soon as prediction models enter the equation. Intervention has a whole new meaning under this light because on occasion it defies logic. Dr. McCoy is probably grinning from ear to ear. It can be difficult to understand the rules some scientists, engineers and programmers discuss and how they have come to their conclusions, in order to integrate multiple sensors outputs into theoretical models.

The good new is that by doing so, many successful outcomes are being achieved. But not without some setbacks and conflicts. Hurricane Sandy was the first real illustration where three competing initial prediction models were published. Two models survived as it moved up the east coast of Florida eliminating the Gulf of Mexico version. At that point, the two remaining theoretical models had very different analysis and conclusions, one British based, the other U.S. The American one suggested it would follow the traditional hurricane path and head back out to sea into the middle of the Atlantic and bleed off and die, while the British one predicted it would parallel the eastern seaboard, gain strength and head inland near New Jersey and New York as a Category 5 storm. We all know what happened next. (You can watch the documentary linked in our Flipboard Crisis and Disaster Management magazine.) The lesson learned here is not to rely upon a single group, but multiple entities. These observations and lessons should be applied elsewhere. Just because a computer may predict or state someone has evacuated doesn't mean others have.

Right now, Satellite, Drone, UAV and terrestrial robots loaded with sensors deployed in disaster zones by Emergency Management organizations is in the development stage, circa 1963, but will accelerate faster than the Starship Enterprise. Some technologies are farther ahead than others but not yet at an integrated level.

To support current and future demands in the field, technology requires an adjustable foundation, capable of supporting dynamic outputs and inputs. Mistakes and controversy will occur over the next several years. Policy will under go extensive review and experimental rules will go into effect. R&D will expose vulnerabilities and gaps. Next Gen technology will be levered. It will require a fulcrum point capable of being positioned dynamically, supporting multiple environment variables, yet burdened with almost impossible demands requiring equalized actions.  If moved prematurely into service, imbalance could occur.


Saturday, 15 February 2014

Emergency Management's collision with Social Media

Prime Minister Cameron tweeting where to find latest weather information

Social media tools during a crisis or disaster has become a necessity in many regions of the world. It has proven to be a resilient communications suite of platforms capable of reaching directly to the public when other forms of information distribution are impaired or not available. 

It works, but...

The most popular applications to use are Twitter and Facebook. Others like YouTube, Instagram, Crisis and Disaster Management Community - Education & Training are useful for post disaster information events. Twitter is easy to use, broadcasting instantly the moment a tweet is sent. Facebook is just as fast, allowing more detail to be published, not being limited to only 140 characters or single image per notice published. But there are a number of concerns and challenges when using social media including information confusion, multiple sources, and accuracy. Social media is considered by many to be a one way conversation and limited effectiveness due to the lack of resources and accountability that can be attached. Of even more concern is the scale in which social media operates. The environment is wide open and littered with abuse and misinformation. As events unfold, millions of tweets and Facebook posts explode on the internet. Coping with all this data and information are the Emergency Management Offices that are not equipped with hundreds of staff to analyze the data. Automating and filtering the data are effective tools that can qualify and pinpoint valuable information. It will mean significant upgrades in process, training, and skills will be needed. The value of social media's links between public safety and the public currently faces not only these challenges but also acceptance on both sides of the problem. There are generation gaps, adaptability, and capital costs government agencies question as to its effectiveness.

Bridging the digital divide

There can be no question as to social medias impact on disaster response. It is a game changer in how the public and government civic protection agency's deliver information. But how best use social media is a question with no single answer or solution. The most common approach is to use social media as an announcement platform, ensuring warnings and what government actions are being undertaken are distributed to the public. It offers multiple paths of redistribution as well, as most if not all mainstream media organizations use social media as a source of stories and updates. In some countries social media is the only platform left to get information out in any form because it can be delivered from any origination point in the world. But of significant concern is the question, is anybody listening? As illustrated in the picture above, Prime Minister David Cameron's Twitter account, tweets where to find the latest meteorology reports and who to follow. The PM's Twitter account has 2.57 million followers. A pretty good subscription rate for a government leader. But how many of those 2.5 million followers are actually in the United Kingdom, or in areas where people are affected? It is certainly not the PM himself doing the tweeting either, but a senior communications officer assigned to the PM office, or at least reviewed prior to release. In fact, very few political leaders or agency leads actually run their own Twitter accounts.

Do you follow?

In the Philippines during Super Typhoon Haiyan - Yolanda, several lead agencies such as the Department of Social Welfare and Development (@DSWD, the National Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Council (@NDRRMC) were sending out thousands of tweets to notify the public. DSWD has 6,500 followers and tweeted over 3,500 times during the Typhoon. The NDRRMC has 64,000 followers in an area that has 2.5 million people affected. Many would argue that its use during the disaster was not an effective distribution mechanism. Not only was its distribution (and redistribution) hampered by lack of followers, but the ability to received social media was severely limited across the region for over three weeks in the most heavily damaged areas because all forms of communications were offline. Social media services were used as communications services came back online. The value to the local public was very little at that stage of the disaster. The one area social media was of immense value, was telling the world what had occurred and what supplies and needs the region needed. The world was soon flooded with pleas for donations, supplies and facts on what occurred. Millions of tweets were sent and retweeted by millions more. NGO's and international response agencies responded in kind, telling the world how it was going to respond and deliver relief. Local, regional and federal government agencies of the Philippines had nothing to do with these post event interactions and nor did they assign dedicated resources to these actions. They did not need to. Some would argue this was a wise decision. Federal government agencies did use social media to quell false rumors immediately after the disaster, such as the concern import taxes and stated delays in getting relief supplies moving once they arrived. But this was to notify the world and not the local population.

Tweets are not mechanisms of P2P direct action

Multiple government agencies in the United Kingdom are essentially using social media as part of their information distribution policy in the same way the Philippines did during Typhoon Haiyan - Yolanda. Social media is an excellent medium to let the country and the world know what governments are doing during a crisis. What governments are not prepared to do, is rely upon its use by the public in calling for help. This is particularly true during large scale disasters where there are hundreds of thousands affected. Local, regional and federal agencies are not staffed or equipped to handle it, along with supporting traditional mediums of emergency response tools. This is not true in all parts of the world, but generally holds true. There are real accountability and scale issues that cannot easily be sorted out by software programming or automated analysis. It's not a question of can it be done, it can. Current rules and regulations are not easily adaptable to social media and internet technologies. Even with updated protocols, the most significant obstacle is ensuring the public knows what they are and building trust. Currently, the amount of false - positive data points are not accurate or sufficiently accountable to satisfy government or the public. There are a variety of proposals and standards on the table such as Social Media Emergency Management (SMEM), Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL), #Hashtag Protocol, and many more. None are universally accepted. Several countries do have regulated information specifications to create fully integrated standards within government agencies. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) has proven effective since its creation by FEMA. It went through significant obstacles and hurdles before its adoption was widely accepted. Some non-government organizations are integrated into NIMS such as the American Red Cross, but most are not. NIMS was never designed for non-government systems of information coordination or support. 

There is a need to develop one in the social media world. I estimate that during a disaster, over 80 percent of tweets sent are ineffective and of no value or impact or influence at the Emergency Management response level. In some cases, this is probably closer to 95 percent. What worries leadership are the remaining 5 to 20 percent. One example was during Typhoon Haiyan - Yolanda, during a time of significant confusion regarding the delivery of aid to Romblon - was it delivered or not to the region, which was in desperate need, 14 days after the Typhoon had hit. On November 22nd, I tweeted to the NDRRMC, asking for confirmation of delivery. Amazingly, I got a reply within an hour. It was not an answer we wanted to hear, but a confirmation that they did not know themselves. NDRRMC transparency was refreshing to witness. The workload at the time was overwhelming and they still managed to reply. If this scenario had played out in a densely populated city in Canada, U.K. or the U.S., I doubt a reply or acknowledgement would have occurred at all. The agencies are simply not equipped to handled the volume or have detailed information asked at their fingertips and not respond. Social media is not a emergency management duplex environment readily adaptable to existing systems.

Integration and Syllabus

Social media is more than just tweets or Facebook postings. It is the collaboration and awareness potential that offers response agencies and the public, effective survival and recovery information before and after a major event. This is where another collision occurs, information overload along with identifying pertinent information in the same consistent manner, enabling instant recognition of what the information means. Currently we have multiple sources of Geo-spatial Information System (GIS) published maps with preexisting data points that are easily augmented in updated metadata. But there are no current standards being followed, resulting in multiple interpretations of what information is being posted. There isn't even a standardize usage of public safety symbols being used across all map publishers or authors of updated metadata. Presently, every map and social media inflow of metadata published is all ad-hoc, with no one single entity responsible for adherence or compliance to a standard. We have road signs that are universal around the world, yet we can't seem to collectively agree on symbols that should be used on all maps. GIS powered maps are powerful tools used by various disaster response stakeholders. Many of agencies want to integrate and fuse data they have into a coordinated and situation aware platform. This is beginning to occur and is touted as the next advancement in disaster response technology. We are already seeing adoption and integration of Open Data Sets into this environment. The next step is to layer social media metadata that is qualified and adds value. There are hundreds of illustrated examples where this has been successfully merged and published during a real disaster (Christchurch, New Zealand, Australian Floods of 2010, Haiti Earthquake, etc.) that are the potential stepping stones leading to a uniformed and calculated synergy of GIS and social media metadata.

Way forward

There are signs of improvement, both in the responsible use of social media and its ability to make a difference in civic protection. During Hurricane Sandy, the supervisor of New York City's Emergency Management Twitter account was filtering tweets immediately after it hit the city for hours during each shift and had come across a tweet that a family of four was in serious trouble and needed help. Through this individual's direct action, emergency response units found the family and rescued them on Staten Island. (you can watch a video of this event in the Crisis and Disaster Response Magazine in the documentary on the disaster of Super Storm Sandy) The reality is, if you have a data connection, you also have access to Voice over I.P. enabling a user to call a Emergency call center, but they are often out of service or busy. Using Twitter is a valuable option available to Civil Protection agencies. It gets a user into the Que enabling a response, if someone is listening. Like email, it could go unanswered for days or worse, never seen if filtered as spam either by the provider or the receiver. 

It is easy for all of us to suggest that governments institute and require the integration the monitoring of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other forms of social media into Emergency Dispatch Call centers and you fixed the problem. The short answer is, there is a very long way to go before such as capability can be even considered, let alone attempted. It has taken years for Emergency Operations call centers to accept and adapt mobile phone based calls into their systems. Social media may not require the same amount of time, but I would suggest, many agencies will take the position of not enabling it. This is because due to costs in training and monitoring required, as it is a significant burden that has little proof that such investments are cost effective. This is not to say it cannot be effective in many parts of the world where very little legacy infrastructure exists. Social media integration in these environments might be the ONLY solution available for them that makes sense. In regions like Africa, the Middle East and sparsely populated areas in western China, governments could find Social Media technology is the only appropriate system and method to deliver public safety services.

I do not think we will ever reach global universal guidelines or social media standards used in crisis and disaster management. What we will see is increased use and implementation of social media products and services uniquely implemented based on local and regional needs. We will see more and more data available and applications developed to enhance response capabilities because of social media's popularity, but there will be no one size fits all.  The collision has occurred during a time where full coverage insurance is not yet available.


Friday, 14 February 2014

Cooperation begins by teaching techniques early

2012 AKNZ - BBK Summer Academy - Arhweiler Germany

We face larger and potentially fatal disasters demanding more and more resources from a variety of organizations and government agencies. Disaster recovery has become a long term effort, driving new discussions surrounding resiliency and advance preparedness steps that should be taken. Many agencies do not regularly integrate or have not worked together before. Some have very little experience how to carry out mutual aid assistance programs. It can be a daunting task to carry out at the management and operational level. Training experienced operations staff can be difficult and often overwhelming given the lack of budget and investments required.

As was cleverly said in the movie SKYFALL, "old dog, new tricks", applies to those willing to learn and adapt. It is not easily absorbed at some organizations, while at others, it is built into their DNA from the start. Even then, mistakes and mutual understanding of how operational cooperation actually works in the field is sometimes misunderstood. Simulations solve can solve these problems. They are proven and effective tools if routinely implemented.

Improvements are being made at the military, government, non-government agency and volunteer levels. Establishing training and simulation (exercise) programs help build confidence. The variety of disaster scenarios is an important component. There are not enough instructors and programs in place to deal with variety of disasters that organizations we now face. Many are learning on the job at the worst possible time - during a disaster. Trial by fire is never a good and can have long term negative effects. 

Students and junior field operations managers entering into the field of civil protection and emergency management are future senior advisers, requiring advanced knowledge and training understanding multiple challenges. Teaching cooperation and mutual aid challenges early on in the classroom builds confidence and capabilities. Governments are beginning to recognize this important stage of training and simulation and requires investment and capital resources, saving money over the long term, avoiding potential mistakes and just as important, becoming efficient in responding to events with what assets are available. 

Recent stories published in our Crisis and Disaster Magazine illustrates the level of cooperation that is now becoming common place. Assets that were once off limits are now being used and integrated into civilian agency use such as the Royal Air Force, using highly classified imagery and radar equipment to support UK Ordnance Survey teams to plot flood waters. This would have been unheard of just a scant 5 years ago. During Hurricane Katrina and the Haiti earthquake, the level of restrictions to distribute information collected by military assets was incredible. Much has changed. 

The Governors offices in Georgia and North Carolina did not hesitate to declare State's of Emergency before a second round of heavy winter storms blanketed the south, enabling National Guard units and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to prepare in advance and coordinate activities and State and Local Emergency Management Office (EMO's) facilities. This quickly built relationships and trust at every level of response. Gaps still remain, but many lessons learned were achieved.

Improvements still need to be made integrating different organizations that are available to help. Outside of the Red Cross, there are often volunteer groups that are well coordinated and experienced that are not included or incorporated into government response units or field offices. At times, local and regional agencies use of social media messages are not integrated, potentially sending mixed signals or in some cases, confusing the public. There is also the danger of information overload being published for public consumption, creating a noise effect. Websites are still a bit of a mess, requiring a user to navigate several levels before getting to the information relevant to their needs. A user should be able to go to a website using a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone and at most, click or touch ONCE, to get to a landing point of all pertinent information relative to the event occurring at their location. 

Technology and software are beginning to be a positive influence on outcomes. Yes, there are still some glitches and often the information is fragmented, but improvements are evidence worldwide. GIS powered maps still need work, including the use of standardized symbols and syllabus, the use of PINS in KML files needs to be eliminated and improved use of Legends are areas still requiring updates. There are indications that this is changing at some agencies. Compliments should be given to a ministry that is currently under severe criticism (for late response and delivery of help), the Ministry of Environment of the United Kingdom, for its use of layering metadata onto maps and ensuring wide distribution to media outlets. Emergency response services are improving. But it is clear, in some regions and aspects, we still have a ways to go.


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Crisis and Disaster Management - The Good, Bad and the Ugly

Oh Oh...

A crisis is brewing. Specialists know that an event will occur and potentially have serious impacts on the community. What to do? Who do I call, brief and explain what is about to unfold? How much time do I have before disaster strikes? And what are the steps necessary to protect and prepare for the consequences.

Emergency services are under immense pressure when an event occurs. Often the pressure is worse when past performance has been criticized or found wanting. When you have advance notice of a potential crisis, it can often feel like the world is about to crash down on your head.

Post event quarterbacks are quick to dive into problems that were not solved and Emergency response teams are well aware they are in the spotlight, from the head of government all the way down to the team leads of front line response units.

The plan...

As you read through the articles in this magazine, journalist vary in their attitudes and judgement of what areas of disaster response have gone right or horribly wrong. In their mind, reporters believe they are just reporting the facts as they see it. This continues to be a significant challenge to overcome. You also have read articles on new technology gizmo or software application implying there is a fix for everything, suggesting why are response teams not using them? Under constant scrutiny is asset and logistics management. Managers didn't put stuff there when it should be "over there". Just put stuff on a map, see where it is and move it!!! See !!! It is easy as pie to fix. I can do it, so why can't you!?! Who's in charge of this Mickey Mouse operation anyway... Twitter seems to explode with analysis when this happens. Our planning and progress response systems need to be better understood and prepared when it gets ugly. There is a plan for that too.

The response...

Within seconds of something going wrong in one place, it's on the 'net. Rarely when things are working as 'planned' does it make the six o'clock news, let alone tweeted. Bill Greener, who was a press aide to Gerald Ford and Donald Rumsfeld in the 1970's had this advice when dealing with the Press, - don't argue with a reporter when they buy ink by the barrel. The new world version is - doesn't have to pay a cent to tweet about it.

Civil protection and Emergency Management Agencies are beginning to turn this problem around on its head. As you have seen by several of the posted articles here, Emergency Management agencies aggressively use social media to get the word out on status and planned initiatives. What many do not yet know, is it working. So far, evidence is mixed. You can publish and tweet on social media updates every 15 seconds, but if nobody is subscribed...


Post disaster recovery operations in the past were often left to be a problem left to local authorities - assuming they survived. Long term reconstruction was never part of an augmented plan or authorized. Today, not only is it mandatory, but reviewed for sustainable and long term suitability. This is particularly true of International aid providers, who are increasingly, becoming accountable to their donors on what services and products they are delivering. We have documented several articles where this is a requirement. If not complaint, NGO's know donations will go over a cliff. 


Large scale crisis and disaster events affect a populations ability to cope. In a disaster zone, the stress can be devastating to the point it overwhelms even the best prepared and capable local organizations. The world responds. Compared to 15 years ago, multiple agencies and non-government organizations have made marked improvements in some aspects, while in others, it has become bogged down or in some cases, become regressive to the point of not even talking to each other. As large scale disasters become more frequent and more public and volunteer organizations become engaged, cooperation is going to be a key element demanding success, or failures will occur in spectacular fashion and be very public. Recent events bear this out and it does not take long to get on the news. One of the hot topics is Command and Control in civilian and military cooperation environments. There is no getting around this obstacle and it is not going to go away. It is a global issue requiring new policy and doctrine.

Lessons learned cycle...

All of us have heard it before. When mistakes are made, we analyze what went wrong and make recommendations to avoid such problems in the future. Yet, the same mistakes appear to be recurring over and over and... It is true, Hot Wash debriefs and reports often wind up on a shelf collecting dust. This is not true in all circumstances or post event reviews. Improvements are clearly evident in front line operations around the world. The perceived gap and probably the most often discussed lesson learned today is the enemy of time. Why did it take so long to get help to ground zero? 

Your turn...

The issues I have listed above are focus areas that we should pay attention to and discuss openly. We need to talk about it on a regular basis. I encourage you to offer your feedback, suggestions, ideas and views on the stories and topics I have highlighted here. Try not to just read the article and say to yourself that it is interesting. Challenge yourself to open the dialogue with your colleagues and how they can be an influence for change and improvement. The goal is to increase awareness and identify how we can make a difference and affect accountability where possible. In turn, we can craft enhanced training, management and service delivery, so those that dedicate their lives to helping others can be tweeted and reported on TV in a positive and rewarding way.


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Our Journey begins.


My name is Doug Hanchard. I have been involved in Crisis and Disaster Management for almost two decades. I've supported and designed information and communications systems used in disaster events since 1998. As technology improves, so have the tools available that can be harnessed to support small and large scale disasters. I now advise, lecture and teach Crisis and Disaster Management for government agencies and enterprise organizations.

My goal is to advance informative news and technology used the disaster environment through education, virtual knowledge transfer, training, and documented lessons learned in crisis and disaster events that have occurred throughout the world. I do this through lectures and seminars held worldwide at special events and Training Academy's focused solely on Civil Protection. I publish and write articles and post links on technology news on Google Plus and Flipboard, that anybody can review, comment and read for free. 

I spend approximately 25 to 30 hours a week researching white papers, online news portals, and specialty blogs which specialize in this field, then curate them into a single source location where professionals and disaster volunteers can read and comment on what we have found. 

I will focused on four key areas of Crisis and Disaster Management; 

1) Crisis & Disaster Management - the environment
2) Technology and Applications - platforms, software, sensors
3) Disaster event - earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes
4) Post event lessons learned - what did and did not work. Gaps & Analysis

The crisis and disaster management experience (event) is always unique and rarely duplicated. Every crisis or disaster has its challenges and scale of response. We learn from every one and attempt to recognize where obstacles and new approaches can solve problems. 

The editorial, sorting and compiling of information is currently done on my own (limited) free time. I have not accepted corporate or government sponsorship or advertising space in any of the the articles, papers and books that I have written and redistributed for free. I have received positive feedback regarding content, analysis and topics covered. But your help would be appreciated. By donating and supporting the Crisis and Disaster Management Magazine on Flipboard and Google Plus Community blog, the publishing information can be analyzed and critiqued, allowing everyone to remain neutral and not influenced or in conflict on any news article, event or technology analysis I or others give input too.

I post 5 to 6 times weekly, sometimes 3 or 4 times daily in the Crisis and Disaster Management Magazine on Flipboard and 3 to 4 times a week on Crisis and Disaster Management Education and Training Community site on Google Plus.

We have held Google Hangouts and interviewed numerous experts on Crisis and Disaster Management events and challenges. I plan to do more and with your help, investing more time to offer extensive investigations and interviews with leaders in disaster response. With crowd sourcing, I believe we can deliver enhanced information, references, lessons learned, technology analysis and enhanced education programs that can support improved disaster response. Ultimately, it's about how we can globally improve disaster preparedness and response to save lives.

Now available online, created through Flipboard the electronic magazine that identifies unique stories and information focused on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief challenges faced by the Crisis and Disaster Management community. I am happy to see over 400 subscribers now read the magazine. It is the fastest new subscriber rate I have ever seen. 

Flipboard (free) application is available on Android, iPhone, Blackberry and Windows phones (also Mac, Android & PC - tablets).

I also have a Google Plus Crisis and Disaster Management Community that anyone can join. 

And!!!! - I'm not finished yet. Look for new platforms, ideas and developments over the coming months. As we all know, nothing stays stale in our world for very long.

Thank you for stopping by and watch for weekly updates here, that will be flipped and posted on the Plus Community site.


*1 - The use of the symbol shown in this image is regulated by certain international treaties, particularly the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their additional protocols of 1977 and 2005, as well as other rules of International Humanitarian Law either in written agreements or by long-standing customs. Misuse of this symbol is prohibited by these treaties as well as by national law in all countries which have ratified them. source: Wikipedia

*2 - NOAA Image of Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan. Source: National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, U.S.A.